上次有提到分享WinRE + ReagentC 達成 One Button Recovery 的做法給大家,今天就帶大家示範一遍:
- Disable the User Account Control (UAC)
Run—> UserAccountControlSettings.exe or UAC
Turn off UAC, move the slider to the Never notify position, and then click OK.
- Enable the Windows Recovery Environment
1. Copy the boot.wim of the ISO sub-folder “Sources” from the PE folder to “Windows\System32\Recovery”.
2. Rename the boot.wim as winre.wim.
3. In the command line(cmd.exe) type “Reagentc /enable”.
4. Then type “Reagentc /info” , you will got below information.
Windows RE enabled: 0
Windows RE staged: 1
The Windows RE Loader with WinPE was ready to use.
- Prepare Partition for WinRE and Recovery image
(請建立3個partition供WinRE & Recovery image使用)
1. In the command Line , type “Diskpart”
select disk 0 //選擇Disk 0 (list disk可以查看Disk,多硬碟時慎選)
create partition primary size=500 //建立分區500M用於存放Windows RE
format fs=ntfs label="Windows RE" quick //格式化 & 設定Label
assign letter=S //分配磁碟字元S
create partition primary //用剩下的空間建立分區 10 GB
format fs=ntfs label="Recovery" quick //格式化 & 設定Label
assign letter=R //分配磁碟字元R
2. Copy the OS.wim that you Capture by imageX , and put it into “R:”.
(We will use the OS.wim be a source image for apply to C: in WinPE)
3. Create the folder “Recovery” at “S:” Drive , and Copy the WinRE.wim to the “Recovery” Folder.
- Setup the WinPE as WinRE for One Button Recovery
- Set as Hidden Partition
1. In the command line(cmd.exe) type “Reagentc /Disable”.
2. Set the WinRE path as below:
reagentc /setreimage /path S:\Recovery /target C:\Windows /bootkey 8500
3. Then ,type “Reagentc /Enable”.
4. Reboot the System , and before startup into loading bar , press “F11” (/bootkey 8500)
1. In the command Line , type “Diskpart”
select disk 0 //選擇Disk 0 (list disk可以查看Disk,多硬碟時慎選)
Select Partition 2 //選擇Drive “S:”
Set ID=DE //建立分區500M用於存放Windows RE
Remove //格式化 & 設定Label
Select Partition 3 //分配磁碟字元S
Set ID=DE //建立分區500M用於存放Windows RE
Remove //格式化 & 設定Label
P.S:ID=27 , DE –> Hidden Partition ,ID=07—>正常NTFS Partition
Enjoy the Lab.