
1. 請參考以下參數說明修改系統碟根目錄(Ex: “C:”)的boot.ini檔案,即可變更/隱藏開機時的Splash LOGO。

Instructs Windows not to initialize the VGA video driver responsible for presenting bitmapped graphics during the boot process. The driver is used to display boot progress information, so disabling it will disable the ability of Windows to show this information.

Use this switch to have an installable splash screen instead of the standard splash screen. First, create a 16-color (any 16 colors) 640x480 bitmap and save it in the Windows directory with the name Boot.bmp. Then add "/bootlogo /noguiboot" to the boot.ini selection.

2. 若是要修改/隱藏“關機”的畫面,也可以透過3rd party的工具修改ntosknrl.exe、msgina.dll、mslogon.exe…等檔案(如:ResourceHack…但後果自負)


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