目前分類:CE 6.0 (4)

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最近有客戶詢問到購買微軟CE 5.0/6.0 COA(授權貼紙)是否有Cover 市面上的常用多媒體Codec.

這邊整理了一些資料讓大家參考: (資料來源:MS ECE website)

  • In the table “Yes” means the listed codec is included in that version of Windows Embedded CE and therefore OEMs need to determine for themselves if they need additional licenses from the relevant technology providers.
  • A “No” means that codec is not in that version of Windows Embedded CE.
  • 圖片1

*VC-1 included as WMV9 but not as standalone VC-1

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1. API之網路函數

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實作Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 Silverlight UI.

建置Silverlight UI project

1. 新增Windows CE subproject project


  • 選擇WinCE Application


  • 建置Simple application


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1. 安裝Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

2. 安裝Windows Embedded CE 6.0

3. 安裝Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Service pack 1

4. 安裝Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Service pack 1 for Vista(Vista System)

5. 安裝 Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Service pack 1

6. 安裝Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R2

7. 安裝Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3

建置可執行Silverlight UI的Emulator OS

1. 新增Windows CE project



2. 選擇Device Emulator BSP


3. 選擇所需的components

  • 選擇PDA Device for Web Pad type


  • 移除不需要的components以增加Build速度


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